

创早Founders Breakfast 236: Social Media in China - Kill it or it will kill you

创早Founders Breakfast 236: Social Media in China - Kill it or it will kill you

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2/21 08:00-09:00

跨文化体验式学习系列教育项目,助力中外青年,在可持续发展,社会创新等方面,体会超越文化边界的经历。Cross-cultural, experiential learning programs in sustainability, innovation, and social entrepreneurship. Supporting Chinese and international young talents to achieve experiences that transcend cultural boundaries.


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Social Media in China - Kill it or it will kill you


​Thomas Derksen

Founder & CEO

Speaker/Author/Content Creator

AFU Media

Derksen is followed by 10 million people on social media, traveled China with the German Federal President, interviewed Nicole Kidman, and saw his face on billboards across Chinese megacities. Yet he's also faced a massive backlash that cost him sponsors and sent his online traffic plummeting. Through these ups and downs, he has learned to embrace change—and now shares why we need it and how we can learn to love it.


He is now a well-known change expert, author of three books, public speaker, and podcast host.


Cover: Our events are free however there is a 55rmb cover for the Breakfast Set to support the venue!


Founders Breakfast is a weekly meetup connecting startups and founders to the entrepreneurial ecosystem via expert talks and trustful connections. Every Friday our members connect in person with their peers to learn, grow, and support each other throughout their respective entrepreneurial journeys. They are encouraged to share their startup stories, discuss current challenges, and seek support from fellow entrepreneurs.


Founders Breakfast, powered by weHustle and WeDiscover, is a community to connect, exchange, support, grow and achieve goals together. We give the stage to seasoned professionals, industry experts, and serial entrepreneurs to share insights, trends, and tips that help us become better and more successful founders.

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